Search Results for: venezuela

Cuba’s police state exposed: ‘an important blow to the regime’


A former high-ranking judge in Cuba has joined an anti-government activist in revealing information from secret government documents that show the government is holding thousands of inmates on dubious charges… Read more »

Liberal democracy ‘will not survive the 21st century’?


Authoritarian regimes are experience a resurgence globally. Various strains of ethno-nationalism-populism are displacing liberalism and the rise of an anti-liberal order globally has many observers wondering if the core tenets… Read more »

Self-regulating democracy – declared moribund, may be more resilient


Democracy, repeatedly declared moribund by schadenfreudian pundits, may be more resilient than some acknow­ledge, notes Steven Pinker, the Johnstone Professor of Psychology at Harvard University and the author of 10… Read more »

Exposing the ‘dark reality’ behind Cuba’s medical missions


  The U.S. says it is pressuring Cuba to end human rights violations such as harassment of opponents of Cuba’s one party system. It also wants Havana to stop supporting… Read more »

Will democracy crisis empower Latin America’s military?


Can Latin America’s  elected civilian leaders regain the trust of their publics and deliver on the promises of democratic governance? Can militaries escape the pressures of stepping into power during… Read more »

How populism went mainstream


There is a specter haunting not just Europe, but the whole globe, quaking the boots of established political parties, legacy media outlets, and transnational institutions of government and civil society…. Read more »

International Human Rights Day, 2019 — a wake-up and a warning


European Union Foreign Ministers have reportedly used the occasion of International Human Rights Day to approve an EU Magnitsky Act after Hungary dropped its objections. The EU has been considering… Read more »

Latin America’s protests: Temporary social agitation or a sign of troubled democracy?


Violent protests in Latin America have resulted in destroyed property, thousands of arrests and dozens of deaths. Observers, including scholars of the region, are surprised by the recent turmoil in… Read more »

Art of Deceit: West’s strategic culture impedes political warfare against autocrats’ sharp power


Authoritarian states have taken a “whole-of-government” approach to weaponizing previously benign activities like diplomacy, media, investment flows, and civil society activity, says a new report. But their activities betray a… Read more »

China’s book-burning a sign of regime’s legitimacy crisis?


Library officials in northwestern China recently hoped to demonstrate their ideological fervor and loyalty to the Communist Party by purging politically incorrect books and religious materials in emphatic fashion: They… Read more »