Search Results for: venezuela

Latin America succumbs to coup temptation?


  In Ecuador in 2000, Venezuela in 2002, Honduras in 2009, and now in Bolivia, opposition groups applauded when the army stepped in to remove elected governments they viewed as inept, corrupt or… Read more »

Global protest wave rattles governments, but can it advance democracy?


Whether the unprecedented wave of protests leads to sustainable democratic transitions depends in large part on the strategic sophistication of illiberal regimes and democratic actors, including the latter’s ability to… Read more »

Democratic ideas resilient despite leadership void


  A number of recent reports paint a grim picture for the future of global democracy. According to watchdog Freedom House, 2018 marked the 13th consecutive year of decline in global… Read more »

How global refugee crisis challenges democracies


Forced migration has reached unprecedented levels around the world. While unique migration crises’ geographic origins range from South America to the Middle East, each crisis shares a common root cause—the… Read more »

Democracy doomsayers question causes of backsliding


Are the causes of democratic erosion the same in the advanced liberal democracies as seen in Venezuela, Hungary, Turkey, Spain before the Spanish Civil War, and Germany and Italy before… Read more »

‘Underestimating democracy’ invites demagoguery, says Walesa


Authoritarians are resurgent because of the failure to create a new global system of democratic values, said former Solidarnosc leader and Polish president Lech Walesa. “Polish democracy in practical terms… Read more »

National security still tied to fate of freedom, democratic solidarity


  Today, sophisticates on both the political Left and Right argue that the United States has no business supporting the democratic aspirations of the Venezuelan people, or that Iraqis were… Read more »

Autocratic resurgence ‘spells end to West’s global supremacy’?


More countries declined than improved in overall rule of law performance for the second year in a row, continuing a negative slide toward weaker rule of law around the world,… Read more »