Search Results for: venezuela

New sanctions target Cubazuela links


The United States hit Venezuela with a new round of sanctions on Tuesday, targeting the crisis-battered country’s ties with Cuba, which supports Nicolas Maduro in Caracas, AFP reports: The move… Read more »

The United Kingdom of Absurdistan: Britain’s ‘Enemy of the People’


By undermining Parliament in one of the most important political debates of the century, British premier Boris Johnson poses the same dangers to liberal democracy that populist agitators did to… Read more »

Is a ‘democratic depression’ around the corner?


The emergence of populism reflects severe problems with representation and accountability in democracies worldwide. However, despite potentially increasing the representativeness of a country’s politics, populists in government increase the risk… Read more »

150 years of data proves autocrats are bad for the economy


Deference to autocratic rulers is not only a bad idea for democracy: It’s terrible for the economy, too, according to a new analysis. The authors of the study published in… Read more »

Is Russia’s ‘new civic activism’ testing Putin’s grip on power?


  More people in Russia view the late Brezhnev era of the Soviet Union as “close to the people” than they do President Vladimir Putin’s Russia, according to a survey… Read more »

Cuba: battling economic crisis, escalating attacks on civil society


Communist-run Cuba has imposed sweeping price controls on all state and private businesses as it battles a deepening economic crisis and mounting U.S. sanctions, Reuters reports: Resolutions published in the… Read more »

Latin America: How to stop corruption and save democracy


In Venezuela and throughout the region, corruption will not be eliminated overnight. But to reduce it, several things must occur, Susan Segal, AS/COA’s president and CEO, writes for Americas Quarterly’s… Read more »

Regaining democratic momentum in face of ill winds


Since 2006, the world has been in a democratic recession, with more countries declining in freedom than gaining for each of the last thirteen years, The Henry Jackson Society observes. For… Read more »

Strengthening resilience to online disinformation


Russia’s return to the global stage as a major power relies on an array of diplomatic, information, security, and economic tools that help the Kremlin punch above its weight, notes… Read more »