Search Results for: venezuela

Putin’s doubling down on foreign adventures could send Russia into bankruptcy….


… according to William Courtney, an adjunct senior fellow at the nonprofit, nonpartisan Rand Corp. and former U.S. ambassador to Kazakhstan and Georgia, and Howard J. Shatz, a senior economist at… Read more »

“An affront to democracy”: Cuba’s launches fresh crackdown on activists


Cuba’s Communist regime has launched a fresh crackdown on the island’s democracy activists, reports suggest. At least eight houses were occupied by more than 200 military personnel bearing assault weapons… Read more »

Democracies need ‘new capabilities’ to counter information warfare


Democracies need to develop “new capabilities” to counter authoritarians’ information warfare, says a senior U.S. official. “We need to give renewed emphasis to the information environment,” said Andrew Knaggs, deputy… Read more »

Polarization a key factor in democracy’s ‘alarming’ decline


The latest Freedom in the World report – compiled by more than 100 experts and drawing on data from 209 countries – describes an “ominous” global erosion of democratic values… Read more »

Democracy in retreat: ‘ominous’ decline around the world, says Freedom House


Democracy is undergoing an ‘alarming’ decline around the world, according to the latest annual survey from Freedom House.* The country-by-country report – Freedom In The World 2019 – paints a… Read more »

‘Springtime for Strongmen’? Explaining the rise of populist authoritarians


How are we to understand the resurgence of authoritarianism? What form does it now take? What responsibility do elites bear for its success? These are among the most important questions… Read more »

Bolivia’s populist lessons for the West


Bolivia’s Evo Morales, a former leader of a coca-growers’ union, has won three elections fairly and by large margins. He hopes to win a fourth in October. But his attempts… Read more »

Nicaragua: Pope seeks dialog, regime commits ‘crimes against humanity’ 


Pope Francis today expressed the hope that a process of reconciliation could help resolve Nicaragua’s crisis. “The various political and social groups may find in dialogue the royal road to… Read more »

Democracy being replaced by crypto ‘alternocracy’?


Trust, Facts, Democracy from Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project   Will the Alternocracy will emerge as the tech-inspired alternative to democracy and nation states? A collapsing petro-dictatorship… Read more »

How authoritarians are ‘dismantling democracy from the inside’


Authoritarian learning facilitates the ‘dismantling of democracy from the inside’, The Washington Post’s Amanda Erickson writes. It used to be that autocrats came to power through coups or by enacting states… Read more »