Search Results for: venezuela

Connecting democratic leaders for a hemisphere of freedom


  As authoritarian regimes in Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela generate sociopolitical turmoil, economic disruption, and human rights abuses, only a concerted international effort by liberal democracies will establish a “hemisphere… Read more »

How to make extremely violent democracies safe


The world’s most violent places are polarized, unequal democracies. There is a way to make them safer, argues Rachel Kleinfeld, a senior fellow in the Carnegie Endowment’s Democracy, Conflict, and… Read more »

Aiding autocrats: China’s ‘sharp power’ at work


Chinese telecommunications company ZTE has been helping Venezuela’s autocratic government construct an advanced citizen surveillance program, Slate’s Mia Armstrong reports. A Reuters investigation published Wednesday provides a detailed look into the development… Read more »

Backsliding or renewal? Democracies must unite to survive


The United States should adopt a new foreign policy focused on defending and expanding the ranks of democracies around the world, argues Michael H Fuchs, a senior fellow at the… Read more »

Latin America’s democratic resilience: institutional innovation beats populism


The resilience of democracy in Latin America is impressive, notes Javier Corrales, a professor of political science at Amherst College, and author of “Fixing Democracy: Why Constitutional Change Often Fails… Read more »

Developing ‘immunity’ to populism?


Portuguese “immunity” to populism has been strong, compared to the trends in other European Union member states, Isabel Marques da Silva writes for Euronews: But mainstream political parties should be vigilant… Read more »

What Comes Next? Resilience lessons for liberal democracy’s renewal


Are there lessons for renewal from democracies that have faced executive degradation of pre-weakened democratic institutions, particularly countries with polarized populations? In What Comes Next? Lessons for the Recovery of Liberal Democracy, a report… Read more »

Liberal democracy’s weaknesses pulling it apart?


Brazil’s election, along with the rest of the populist trend, represents something more disruptive than a single wave with a single point of origin. Research suggests it exemplifies weaknesses and… Read more »

Latin America braced for ‘Bolsonaro effect.’ How did the unthinkable happen?


Following the crushing victory of right-wing candidate Jair Bolsonaro in Sunday’s runoff presidential election, Brazil’s Latin American neighbors are bracing for a regional “Bolsonaro effect,” AFP reports: The knock-on effect… Read more »