Search Results for: venezuela

Human rights abuses: mavericks needed to counter rogues & enablers


  The survival of the rules-based global order is at greater risk than at any previous point in the 21st century, with ominous implications for democracy and human rights in… Read more »

Corroding Latin America’s largest democracy ‘from the inside out’


An authoritarian-seeming partial outsider who praised the country’s military dictatorship, rejects some rules of the democratic game and threatens to undermine citizen’s rights has won the first round of the Brazilian… Read more »

Authoritarian Anticorruption Campaigns: A Tool to Consolidate Power


Does the arrest of the son of Angola’s former president in a $1.5bn corruption case signal the end of kleptocratic rule? Not necessarily, says a leading analyst. In the hands… Read more »

‘Panideological’ assault on Latin American human rights


The trend of declining adherence to and respect for the Inter-American System of Human Rights continues and expands – and across the political and ideological spectrum, according to Global Americans’… Read more »

A Warning From Europe: The Worst Is Yet to Come


Monarchy, tyranny, oligarchy, democracy—these were all familiar to Aristotle more than 2,000 years ago. But the illiberal one-party state, now found all over the world—think of China, Venezuela, Zimbabwe—was first developed by… Read more »

‘Kleptocratic conspiracy’ pushing Guatemala toward authoritarianism


Hundreds of peasant farmers and indigenous Maya blocked a major highway in Guatemala’s western highlands on Monday, demanding that President Jimmy Morales reverse a policy aimed at forcing a U.N.-backed… Read more »

The case for a democratic values-based foreign policy


The next U.S. administration should embrace traditional democratic values and apply them at home and abroad, the Center for American Progress concludes in a new analysis released Thursday, The Washington… Read more »

How Western ‘enablers’ import corruption and strengthen authoritarianism


Certain elements within the legal, financial, and influence communities, seeking new markets, clients, and profits among an emerging global class of super wealthy actors with fortunes of dubious provenance, have… Read more »

‘One of the great freedom fighters’: John McCain, R.I.P.


  Senator John McCain “was one of the great freedom fighters of all time,” according to a leading democracy advocate. “He was a champion of democracy wherever it was being… Read more »