Search Results for: venezuela

Venezuelan opposition ‘testing military’s loyalty’


US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo today demanded Venezuela reopen a bridge on the Colombian border for an aid shipment organised by the opposition, the BBC reports: Venezuelan soldiers have… Read more »

Venezuela: ‘time for democratic transition is now’


Global support for Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaidó expanded Monday as a growing chorus of Western nations increased pressure on the authoritarian regime of cash-strapped Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro, the Wall… Read more »

‘Moscow on the Caribbean’: Can Maduro hold on to power in Venezuela?


University of Oxford Politics Lecturer Maryhen Jiminez Morales discusses expected changes for Venezuela on the global stage under the leadership of Juan Guaidó (above). Institutional desert Beyond billions in investments, Vladimir Putin is… Read more »

Venezuela: two ways to help Guaidó against ‘Bolivarian beggars’


Venezuela finds itself part of a trial of strength, the Economist observes. A peaceful transition to a democratic, economically literate government could restore normality to what was once one of… Read more »

Venezuela’s best path to democracy is………….


The line of least resistance to restoring democracy in Venezuela? Pay off the military, argues Michael Albertus, an associate professor of political science at the University of Chicago, and co-author… Read more »

How Guaidó united Venezuela’s fractured opposition


Despite Venezuela’s economic collapse and dictator Nicolás Maduro’s plummeting popularity, opposition leaders had not been able to present a united front in a long time. Now, they are all backing… Read more »

‘Revolution in Ruins’: Venezuela ‘on brink of lasting change’


In less than a month, Juan Guaido has gone from a virtual unknown in Venezuelan politics to the country’s most-watched figure, assuming the presidency of the opposition-controlled congress and briefly… Read more »

Petrofraude: the scam that emptied Venezuela’s tables


Venezuela has more oil than Saudi Arabia and more poverty than Colombia. Once one of Latin America’s richest countries, it’s now plagued with shortages of everything from toilet paper to antibiotics and food, The… Read more »

Venezuela no longer a model nation


Venezuela was once a model nation, prosperous, advanced, democratic. Did Antonio Ledezma ever imagine that it could slide into tyranny and poverty — not just poverty but starvation itself? “No,… Read more »

Towards a Hemisphere of Freedom: Connecting Democratic Leaders in Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela


Democracy in Latin America has experienced an ‘annus horribilis’ in 2018, research suggests. Authoritarian regimes in Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela have led to sociopolitical turmoil, economic disruptions, and human rights… Read more »