Search Results for: venezuela

Venezuela loses ‘beacon of democratic integrity’


A restless defender of democratic values, Teodoro Petkoff never stopped criticizing Hugo Chávez’s autocratic tendencies and never gave up on his country, notes Dorothy Kronick, an assistant professor of political… Read more »

Kleptocratic solidarity: Russia aids Venezuela’s ‘mafia state’


Russia has sent a senior delegation to Venezuela to consult high-ranking government officials on a plan to stem the brutal economic collapse in a key Kremlin ally, Bloomberg reports: Venezuela… Read more »

Why is Venezuela collapsing but Maduro still standing?


Venezuela has pledged its oil reserves as backing for a digital currency dubbed the “petro,” which leftist President Nicolas Maduro launched in February. This month he vowed it would be the… Read more »

After ‘sham election’, four steps for rebuilding Venezuela’s democracy


Electoral authorities declared President Nicolas Maduro, the Council on Foreign Relations notes, with about 68 percent of votes cast, the winner in a Sunday snap presidential election. Roughly 46 percent… Read more »

Can Venezuela be saved?


As Venezuela unwinds, Leopoldo López, the opposition’s most prominent leader, sits under house arrest and contemplates what might still be possible, Wil S. Hylton writes for The New York Times… Read more »

Venezuela: one of 21st century’s ‘most impressive defenses of democracy’ – and yet …..


President Nicolas Maduro said that Venezuela raised $735 million in early sales of its new “petro” cryptocurrency, launched amid deepening financial and political crises in the country, the Council on… Read more »

The lost opposition: Democracy dies in Venezuela?


As Venezuela falls into ever more tumultuous times, President Nicolás Maduro has tried to hit the final nail in democracy’s coffin. Now opposition parties are a thing of the past,… Read more »