Tag: Beijing’s sharp power

China and US waging global ‘hearts and minds’ campaigns


As the battle between the US and China over tariffs goes on, an age-old ideological feud is being waged, pitting Beijing’s Communist Party against Washington-style democracy. It’s not a fight… Read more »

‘Blunting China’s Sharp Power’: Long arm of Beijing threatens free speech


The true nature of China’s sharp power was on display this week after Daryl Morey, general manager of the Houston Rockets basketball team, posted a somewhat anodyne message of solidarity… Read more »

China’s authoritarian model poses long-term threat to democracies


China poses a long-term threat to the United States, to liberal democracy and to the international order,  John C. Rood, undersecretary of defense for policy, told a policy forum in… Read more »

Silent Invasion: China’s influence chills free speech


Chinese students poured into Australia and New Zealand in their hundreds of thousands over the past 20 years, paying sticker prices for university degrees that made higher education among both… Read more »

A new kind of Cold War? Facing up to China’s sharp power strategy


A previously unreported meeting is an example of how the Chinese government directly — and often secretly — engages in political activity in Australia, making the nation a laboratory for… Read more »

Adversary or enemy? China is ‘unlikely to simply collapse’


The Soviet Union and its satellites were an apparatus of state terror, resting on an ideology of class hatred, foisted on nations that wanted no part of either. It was… Read more »