Tag: Ray Takeyh

Iran ‘a powder keg’: Protests ‘strike at heart of regime’s legitimacy’


  The head of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard threatened the U.S. and its allies Monday as he addressed a pro-government demonstration attended by tens of thousands of people denouncing last week’s… Read more »

Iran’s reformist movement – threatened or already dead?


Veterans of Iran’s reformist movement – Mohsen Aminzadeh, Mohammadreza Khatami, Abdollah Ramezanzadeh, and Mostafa Tajzadeh – are concerned about the “mortal blow that even a limited military conflict with the United States of… Read more »

IRGC takeover? Iran protests may change leadership, but not regime


Iran’s Supreme Leader demanded the judiciary punish those “who disrupt economic security” on Wednesday, following protests over the rial’s collapse and a tightening of U.S. sanctions pressure that has set… Read more »

Iran ‘outsmarted itself’ in silencing civil society?


Iran in large part considers peaceful activism a “threat to national security,” and those who warn about festering popular grievances and rampant corruption are treated as seditionists, notes Tara Sepehri… Read more »

Democracy in Iran: Why It Failed, How It Might Succeed


How resilient is the Islamic Republic of Iran? asks analyst Eric Lob. The answer to this question is that the future survival of the Islamic republic is tenuous at best… Read more »

Time to prepare for Iran’s political collapse?


In a region littered with failed states, Iran is often mischaracterized as an island of stability, notes Ray Takeyh, a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations. The history… Read more »

Mideast sectarianism a byproduct of geopolitical rivalry


During his speech in Saudi Arabia, President Donald Trump spoke of the need to confront and “isolate” Iran.  But the Iran challenge is more intricate and perplexing than the one faced… Read more »

Iran election exposes Islamic Republic’s façade and true face


The presidential election in Iran this Friday is being billed as yet another contest in which a spirited but ineffectual reformer is fighting it out with a hard-boiled theocrat. Meanwhile,… Read more »

After Khamenei: stable transition depends on Iran’s deep state


As Iran gears up for a leadership transition, it is important to see the Islamic Republic for what it is, and not what one may hope it can be, note… Read more »